© Dirk Strauss 2021
D. StraussCreating ASP.NET Core Web Applicationshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6828-5_4

4. EF Core and SQL Server

Dirk Strauss1  
Uitenhage, South Africa

The ultimate goal of our web application is to work against a real SQL database. Up until now, we have only been working with our TestData service. You will remember that we created this service to mimic the workings of a real SQL database, just while we were busy developing the foundation of our application.

Now, however, it is time to take a look at installing Entity Framework Core and start working with real data. Before I go into that, let’s pause for a minute and have a look at what Entity Framework Core is exactly.

Entity Framework Core

If you have worked with Entity ...

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