

(Infinity), 108, 111

35mm focal-length equivalency, 84, 235


Abstractions, 5259

AC, portable power, 148, 199

Adams, Ansel, 8, 17, 32, 34, 60, 80, 176

Adams, Robert, 14

Adjusting colors in LAB, 224227

Adobe Bridge, 203

Adobe Camera RAW, 202, 204205, 234

default processing in, 204205

HSL/Grayscale tab, 219

saturation in, 204205

vibrance in, 204205

Adobe Lightroom, 202, 208, 234

Adobe Photoshop, 203, 208, 234, 234235

Black & White adjustment layers, 219, 220

Brush Tool, 205, 216

changing the world with, 180181

Channels palette, 230

Gradient Tool, 216

LAB color, 224

converting to, 224

Merge to HDR Pro, 208

Unsharp Mask filter, 230231

Adobe Photoshop Elements, 203

Aerial photography, 154156, 162163, 164165, 186187

Alpenglow, 134

Ambient lighting, 134

Aperture, 94, 100, 106113

sharpness, and, 84, 87

smallest, 111

wide open, 106

Aperture (software), 202, 208

Available lighting, 134


Ball head, 96

Black & White adjustment layers, 219, 220

Black and white

converting to, 218221

landscapes, 6069

Bokeh (image), 8486

Bracketing for HDR, 210

Bulb, 148


Canaletto (Giovanni Antonio Canal), 128

Capturing motion, 118123

Carbon fiber, tripod legs, 96

Central axis, 128

Channels palette, 230

Chiaroscuro, 206

Chinese landscape painting, 14

City as landscape, 186189

Civilization vs. wilderness, 14

Clouds, 154155

CMYK, 222, 224

Color Efex Pro plugin, 234

Color opponent ...

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