Chapter 1
Unlocking the Power of Your Mind: Introducing Creative Visualization
In This Chapter
Understanding how visualization works
Considering the power of creative visualization
Examining the connection between body and mind
Over the years many techniques have been invented to help people with their personal development, including activities such as meditation, relaxation, hypnotism (and self-hypnosis), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and many, many more. But all these different techniques have one major thing in common: they require the use of imagination, generally through visualizing yourself in particular ways or situations.
Without referring to ‘creative visualization’ by name, developers and proponents of personal development programs have always understood that (when suitably directed) the mind contains the power to help make dramatic changes in a person’s life. Only recently, however, has creative visualization become a technique in its own right, fully equal to (and some say even more effective than) many other personal development systems. This chapter talks you through the power of the mind and how you can use it to visualize creatively.
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