Chapter 14

Succeeding in the Workplace: Creative Visualization as a Leg Up in Leadership

In This Chapter

arrow Visualizing to develop your skills as a leader

arrow Attaining success and beating the competition

arrow Gaining your team’s respect

arrow Conveying your vision successfully

arrow Achieving greater levels of team motivation

To paraphrase a line from Shakespeare’s play Twelfth Night; some people are born leaders, others naturally progress to positions of leadership, and some have leadership thrust upon them. But whether or not leading comes naturally to you, being a good leader isn’t easy. You need to make difficult choices, assume responsibility for your team’s successes and failures, accept the praise and the blame, and keep people motivated, in line, and working together.

Being aware of the specific leadership traits you want to develop allows you to use visualization effectively to become a good leader.

A number of different traits make for a good leader, of which these are probably the top five:

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