12Strategies for a Changing World

The foremost threats confronting the United States in terms of Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources (CIKR) are:

  • Climate change: increasing natural disasters
  • Cybersecurity: increasing cyberattacks and sophistication

Climate change strongly impacts the energy, power, and transportation sectors. Cybersecurity strongly impacts nearly all sectors, because information technology is essential to all. CIKR sectors are interdependent and linked. This makes protection a complex CIKR problem.

The foregoing chapters on the most essential CIKR sectors should equip the reader with knowledge and skills for making good national security policy. But knowledge and skills are inadequate without a strategy for securing the nation's CIKR at physical, cyber, and organizational levels. The following scenario‐based approach emphasizes modern complex system's analysis in formulating a strategy going forward. In particular, it advocates a strategy based on increasing returns and network effects, shared responsibility, reducing friction, the ...

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