Chapter 20
Ten Reasons Every Country Should Consider Crowdfund Investing
In This Chapter
Igniting economies, creating jobs, and enhancing political stability
Opening up local investment opportunities
Every government in the world is focused on how to grow its economy. Elections are won and lost based on the strength of the plans of politicians who promise prosperity for their people at every level of the economic ladder.
But how does a government create jobs? How does it effectively grow the economy? We believe governments do so by making it faster and easier for businesses to start, grow, and (in some cases) fail. Small business and entrepreneurs are the driving force behind every successful economy across the globe. We believe that cultures and governments that embrace and celebrate the entrepreneur are more likely to succeed in both the short and long term.
We spend a great deal of time traveling outside the United States meeting with governments, nongovernmental organizations, banks, development organizations, entrepreneurs, and investors. The constant theme we hear is this: We need to expand our entrepreneurial capacity. We must cultivate risk capital and a culture of entrepreneurship. We must make it easier for businesses to form and grow. We’re working to build innovation ...
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