Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking a link to get to the indexed material.
, (comma), 35
; (semicolon), 9
* (asterisk), 34–35
* (universal selector), 34–35, 133–134
# (number sign), 8
~ (sibling selector symbol), 213
~ (tilde), 135–136
{ } curly braces, 32
*= operator, 138
^= operator, 138
$= operator, 138
* selector, 34–35
- symbol, 212–213
. (period) symbol, 9
/p tags, 31
* universal selector, 99
″ (quotation marks), 55–56, 100
2D transformations, 211–223
matrix() function, 213–223
none transformation type, 211–213
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