(pseudo)random backgrounds, 62-65
.lightbox, 235
3D rotation, for trapezoids, 109-113
::backdrop, for dimming, 238
:nth-child() pseudo-class, 178, 271-275
:only-child, 272
<blink>, 314
<code> element, 182
<dd>, 173-177
<dialog>, 238
<div>, 252
<dt>, 173-177
<labels>, 229
<main>, 241
<path>, 211
<pre> element, 182
<textPath>, 211
@font-face, 189
(soft hyphens), 168
absolute positioning, for vertical centering, 281
acceleration, timing function and, 296-299
affordance, 225
align-items, vertical centering and, 286
ampersands, fancy, 188-193
Anderson, James, 280
animated GIFs, shortcomings of, 308
animation, 294-345
along a circular path, 334-345
blinking, 314-318
bouncing, 295-299
converting to transition, 301
duration vs. effectiveness, 321
elastic transitions, 294-305
for pie charts, 119-121
frame-by-frame, 308-312
smooth state, 328-332
typing, 320-326
animation-playstate, 332
animation-timing-function, 296
APNG, 309
assumptions, xxiv
Atlas system, xxii
automatic table layout algorithm, 266
(pseudo)random, 62-65
and inner-rounded borders, 37
and zebra-striped lines, 180
checkerboards, 55-60
complex patterns, 50-60
diagonal stripes, 43-47
flexible positioning, 32-35
fluid with fixed content, 276-279
grids, 52
polka dots, 53
striped, 40-48
vertical stripes, 43
background-attachment, 246
background-blend mode, 141
background-image, text underlining and, ...
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