Chapter 5
Using CSS Shortcuts
In This Chapter
Defining style inheritance
Using cascading styles to your benefit
Employing basic user interface functionality
Providing pizzazz through special effects
Creating pages with multiple columns
Everyone likes shortcuts — methods of doing something quickly without any loss of quality. In fact, there are entire industries that are focused solely on the shortcut. Just think about the number of ads you see every day that tell you about a product, service, or technique that reduces the time you spend doing something — they’re all shortcuts. So it shouldn’t surprise you too much to discover that CSS has shortcuts as well. In this case, shortcuts are techniques you can use to reduce your workload and make life easier. Many of these techniques help you when you write the code, and then a second time when you need to perform updates. That’s the best kind of shortcut — the kind that keeps providing a dividend for little time spent up front.
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