CTO Hour with Peter Bell: Engineering Metrics that Matter

Video description

With engineering leaders under increasing pressure to quantify engineering performance, there’s no shortage of opinions or frameworks suggesting which engineering metrics matter most. Join Peter Bell, CTO of Rare Talent, and guests for a discussion about how to select the metrics that matter for your organization’s success. Through this expert panel discussion, you’ll learn why selecting engineering metrics is so challenging, what considerations and trade-offs should be taken into account, the problems with commonly used metrics, and how to have more productive conversations about how metrics relate to executives’ key business goals.

CTO Hour is a quarterly live event that brings together a panel of senior engineering leaders to discuss with expert and host Peter Bell how they’ve approached timely technology or business challenges. This dynamic event features ample time for questions. Active and aspiring senior leaders will learn valuable insights from top VPs and CTOs and ultimately be prepared to make better-informed decisions as heads of technology.

What you’ll learn and how you can apply it

  • Select metrics that matter for your organization
  • Avoid misused or unhelpful metrics

This live course is for you because…

  • You want the chance to hear from Peter Bell and guests about software development and engineering metrics.
  • You're looking for greater insight and clarity into the process of selecting and reporting on metrics.

Recommended follow-up

Please note that slides or supplemental materials are not available for download from this recording. Resources are only provided at the time of the live event.

Table of contents

  1. CTO Hour with Peter Bell: Engineering Metrics that Matter

Product information

  • Title: CTO Hour with Peter Bell: Engineering Metrics that Matter
  • Author(s): Peter Bell, Abi Noda, Juan Pablo Buriticá, Dana Lawson
  • Release date: March 2024
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 0790145798602