Analyzing an APT attack using Cuckoo Sandbox, Volatility, and Yara

If you have not installed Volatility yet, carry out the following steps:

  1. You can use this command to install the latest version of Volatility on your system:
    $ svn checkout
    $ cd volatility-read-only
    $ python build
    $ sudo python install
  2. To make things easier, you can make a shortcut alias command for Volatility by editing your .bashrc file:
    $ nano  ~/.bashrc
  3. Go to the end of line, and add this command:
    $ alias"/home/user/Download/Volatility-read-only/
  4. Save and Exit.
  5. Please notice that /home/user/Download/Volatility-read-only/ is the Volatility directory in your system.

    You can replace ...

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