Chapter 7: Interfacing with CUDA C code and CUDA libraries
This chapter deals with interface with CUDA C source code and libraries distributed with the Nvidia HPC SDK from CUDA Fortran.
iso_c_binding module; ignore_tkr; cuBLAS; GEMM; Tensor cores; cuSPARSE; Compressed sparse row (CSR); Cholesky; cuTENSOR; Thrust; Sort; Unlimited polymorphism
This chapter covers how to interface CUDA Fortran with CUDA C, including both CUDA C source code and many of the CUDA libraries distributed with the NVIDIA HPC SDK. As far as the CUDA libraries are concerned, in this chapter we cover: cuBLAS, a CUDA implementation of the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) library; cuSPARSE, a library of linear algebra routines that accommodates sparse matrices; ...
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