Chapter 13

Currency Exchange-Traded Funds


Bullet Describing currency ETFs for beginners

Bullet Looking at the advantages of currency ETFs

Bullet Examining ETFs around the world

Bullet Understanding hedged and unhedged ETFs

Bullet Getting more details with ETF resources

For those folks whose eyes glaze over when you look at forex and are ready to say “fuggedaboutit!” then this is the chapter for you. I (coauthor Paul — hi!) love this chapter too, especially for beginners, because it dives into a beginner-friendly topic — currency exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

This chapter is distinctive in that it is the only chapter in this book that treats currencies as a longer-term investment — a vehicle that can be held for several years or longer. Meanwhile, other topics that dominate this book (traditional currency trading, currency futures, currency options, and so on) are speculative in nature and the focus is more short-term (days, weeks, and/or months), generally spanning less than a year.

Defining Currency ...

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