© Mike O'Leary 2019
Mike O'LearyCyber Operationshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4294-0_17

17.  Firewalls

Mike O’Leary1 
Towson, MD, USA


Network firewalls allow a defender to segment their network into different zones; one common architecture has a DMZ for external facing systems and a separate internal network. Linux distributions like IPFire can be used as the anchor point for such networks; these can be implemented virtually using VMWare Workstation or VirtualBox. IPFire controls traffic in and out of these networks, allowing for network address translation (NAT) and egress filtering. IPFire also provides a range of services, including logging, a time server, and a web proxy.

An attacker able to gain access on a system behind ...

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