1A Comprehensive Study of Security Issues and Research Challenges in Different Layers of Service-Oriented IoT Architecture

Ankur O. Bang1*, Udai Pratap Rao1 and Amit A. Bhusari2

1Computer Science and Engineering Department, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, (NIT) Surat, Gujarat, India

2MCA Department, Trinity Academy of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India

*Corresponding author: mr.ankurbang@gmail.com


Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) has proven its applicability on technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT). The major benefits of SOA architecture are flexibility, better information flow, re-usability and scalability, which make it worthy to use in IoT. This concept, when adopted with generic IoT architecture, creates layers that ask and deliver service to each other. Communication protocols play an important part here, but security always remains a major concern while dealing with a huge number of heterogeneous components of IoT. This chapter provides a survey of enabling protocols, the taxonomy of layer-wise attacks and security issues of the service-oriented IoT architecture. The chapter also describes major vulnerabilities related to the adaption of SOA into IoT. We feel that this chapter can give directions to researchers for enhancing security and privacy in IoT.

Keywords: Internet of Things, service-oriented architecture, protocols, security, privacy, attacks vulnerabilities

1.1 Introduction and Related Work

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