Chapter 6
Preventing Social Engineering Attacks
Being aware of the various forms of social engineering attacks
Discovering the strategies that criminals use to craft effective social engineering attacks
Realizing how overshared information can help criminals
Protecting yourself and your loved ones from social engineering attacks
Most, if not all, major breaches that have occurred in recent years have involved some element of social engineering. Do not let devious criminals trick you or your loved ones. In this chapter, you find out how to protect yourself.
Don’t Trust Technology More than You Would People
Would you give your online banking password to a random stranger who asked for it after walking up to you in the street and telling you that they worked for your bank?
If the answer is no — which it certainly should be (and, if it is not, your security problems are much greater than just your cybersecurity) — you need to exercise the same lack of trust when it comes to technology. The fact that your computer shows you an email sent by some party that claims ...
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