Chapter 6

Securing Your Accounts


check Understanding that you’re a target

check Securing your various accounts from human error

The weakest link in the cybersecurity chain is almost always people, and the greatest threat to your own cybersecurity is likely yourself and the members of your family.

As such, all the technology and technical knowledge in the world won’t deliver much value if you don’t also address various human shortcomings.

Realizing That You’re a Target

Perhaps the most significant first step in securing yourself digitally is to understand that you’re a target and that nefarious parties have the desire to breach your computer systems, electronically accessible accounts, and anything else they can get their hands on.

Even if you already realize that you’re a target, make sure to fully internalize such a notion. People who truly believe that criminals want to breach their computers and phones act differently than people who do not fully appreciate this reality and whose lack of skepticism sometimes leads them into trouble.

Warning Because your family members can also impact your digital security, they also need to be aware that they are a potential targets. If your ...

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