Sound and Music

[m-Bru93] L. Brümmer: The Gates of H. Computer music. CCRMA 1993. In: CRI, The Listening Room, CD edel 0014522TLR, Hamburg, 1995.

[m-Bru97] L. Brümmer: Le Tombeau de Maurice, for computer-generated tape. In: Computer Music @ CCRMA. CD CCRMAV02, 1997.

[m-Eim62] H. Eimert: Epitaph für Aikichi Kuboyama. Electronic music composition, 1962. Studio-Reihe neuer Musik, Wergo, LP WER 60014. Reedition as a CD, Koch/Schwann, 1996.

[m-Fur93] K. Furukawa: Swim, Swan, composition for clarinet and live-electronics. ZKM, 1993.

[m-Fur97] K. Furukawa: Den ungeborenen Göttern. Multimedia-Opera, ZKM, 1997.

[m-INA3] J.-C. Risset: Sud, Dialogues, Inharmonique, Mutations. CD INA C1003.

[m-Par64] B. Parmegiani: Violostries, 1964. IDEAMA CD 051 Target Collection, ZKM and CCRMA, 1996.

[m-Par77] B. Parmegiani: Dedans-Dehors, 1977. INA-GRM.

[m-Sch98] P. Schaeffer and G. Reibel: Solfège de L'objet Sonore. Booklet + 3 CDs. First published 1967. INA-GRM, 1998.

[m-Tru95] B. Truax: Granular time-shifting and transposition composition examples. In Computer Music Journal, Volume 19 Compact Disc, Index 6, 1995.

[m-Wis94c] T. Wishart: Audible Design, Sound examples. CD. Orpheus the Pantomime, York, 1994.

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