5Example of Traceability and Classifications of Decision-making
To improve the CKD classification methods, three tests have been created for design projects: software design, PLM system design and ecodesign projects [DAI 14]. We present in this chapter these tests and their analysis.
5.1. Example of software design projects
This example consists of two software design projects, undertaken by two different groups of Master’s students of the University of Technology in Troyes, France between 2012 and 2013. The groups consisted of students majoring in computer science and students majoring in mechanical design. The 2012 project involved eight students, among who four majored in computer science and four in mechanical design, and for the 2013 project, five students participated, three of them majoring in computer science and two majoring in mechanical design. There was no predefined organization for each group.
The goal of this project was to design a tablet application, which aids a mechanical technician in product maintenance. This application needs to provide pertinent knowledge concerning a certain problem of product, and enable the technician to order necessary parts to repair or replace the product; more importantly, the technician should be able to update information concerning product maintenance (e.g. report a design default, order a new product, etc.) in company’s PLM [SUD 05] and entreprise resource planing (ERP) [WEI 04] system through this application. Budget limit ...
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