J.Kings Foodservice Professionals, 179
James, William, 192
Jennings, Waylon, 52
Jerry McGuire (film), 54
Jordan, Dr. Clarence, 130–131
Kei Takei, 170
Kershaw, Syd, 37, 63, 105
King, John, 179
Korn/Ferry International, 55–56
Kouzes, Jim, 76
Lague, Louise, 3
Laziness, 166
Leadership and control checkpoints, 80
Leading Out Loud (Pearce), 37
Legal issues, 10–11
Lewis, Jordan, 122
Limited partnership, legal form of partner-
ship, 10–11
Line Dance partnership style, 21, 23
Loyalty, 99, 151
Ludeman, Kate, 105
Luigi’s Jazz Warm Up (Facciuto), 134, 140
Lynnwood Foundation, 57, 97
“Magic in motion”, 126–127
Marriage, partnership as, 2–4, 137
Marriott Hotels, 4
CasaMagna, 40
Marina Beach, 56
Puerto Vallarta, 57–58
St. Louis Pavilion, 39, 40, 56
Martins, Peter, 124
Masochism, 148
McCool, Sherry, 39, 40, 46, 56
McElroy, Terry, 3, 41, 70, 93, 102, 135, 167
McLane Company, 3, 41, 70, 93, 102, 135,
165, 167
Medici, Carlo, 59, 106, 181
Mentor, partner as, 97–98
Metzler & Company, 7, 105
Metzler, Michael, 7, 105
Miles, Perry, 35, 52, 165
de Mille, Agnes, 142
Miller, Dee, 63
Mirroring in productive dialogue, 118
Mistake resolution, 149–151
Monas, Mary Ann, 167
Murray, W. H., 133
Mutual benefit, 3
National Granger Insurance, 180
Needs and anger, 160–163
Newhouse, Princess, 19
Newhouse, Tom, 19
Novak, Ed, 35–36, 56, 104, 105, 166
Nurture, 172
Nuts! Southwest Airlines’ Crazy Recipe for
Business/Personal Success (Freiberg), 40
Optimism, 132
Pacino, Al, 15
Pain. See also Hurting
and anger, 160–163, 167
green vs. red light, 159
paths of, 144–146
protocol violations, 154–156, 166–168
and relationship equality, 163–164
as a signal, 146–148
Paraphrasing in productive dialogue, 118
Parker Hannifin, 37, 63, 105
Partner style. See also Auditioning; Hurting;
Partnership test
Break Dancers, 48–49, 73, 162
Bunny Hops, 49–50, 74, 162
Strutters, 46–48, 73, 161–162
Tap Dancers, 51–52, 74, 162
Wallflowers, 50–51, 74, 162–163
Partnering drills. See also Rehearsing
advice giving, 119–122
dramatic listening, 114–115
productive dialogue, 115–119
Partners. See also Auditioning; Focusing
compatibility, 26–27, 55
selection of, 45–46

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