Spatial Auto-Correlation
and Auto-Regression
Lattice spatial data are such that the spatial domain is divided into regions and the observations or
variable values are associated with regions. There are two types of lattice data: regular, e.g., grid or
raster, and irregular, e.g., polygons. Variables have a unique value for an entire region. The regions
have a neighborhood structure given by distances between centroids or by the amount of shared
One important analysis method of lattice data is spatial auto-correlation. Its objective is to
detect spatial patterns based on correlation of a variable among regions, given the neighborhood
structure. This information is useful to understand spatial patterning and to make decisions regard-
ing the applicability of correlation and regression methods among variables. Another important
method is spatial auto-regression (SAR). Its objective is to predict the outcome or value of a
variable in a region based partially on the values of the same variable in neighboring regions and
partially on other variables.
An important reason for performing auto-correlation is to determine whether the assumptions of
lack of serial correlation to perform regression are appropriate. You should recall now two important
aspects of regression. First, for simple regression: it assumes that values of the independent variable
are independent observations, i.e., they are uncorrelated. This is why we checked forauto-correlation
in time when doing exploratory data analysis. Second, for multiple regression: we demonstrated that
the various independent variables should not be correlated or collinear because this would leadto
distorted values of the regression coefcients, giving more importance to some variables and causing
variance ination.
Correlation among values of the independent variable can occur because they have spatial depen-
dence. Therefore, we need to make sure that the spatial structure does not affect the estimation of
the coefcients. We investigate the potential for this problem using spatial auto-correlation, and
the effect of spatial structure is included using spatial auto-regression.
Neighborhood structure provides the covariance structure needed for spatial auto-correlation
and auto-regression. There are several ways of defining neighbor regions: one is by the amount
of common borders, and the other is by the distance separating a reference point of each
region. For example, Figure 13.1 illustrates nine regions. The label identifies the region. The
neighborhood structure is not necessarily symmetric, because it depends on how we define