12Invariant Description for a Batch Version of the UCB Strategy with Unknown Control Horizon
We consider a batch processing variation of the UCB strategy for multi-armed bandits with a priori unknown control horizon size n. Random rewards of the considered multi-armed bandits can have a wide range of distributions with finite variances. We consider a batch processing scenario, when the arm of the bandit can be switched only after it was used a fixed number of times, and parallel processing is also possible in this case. A case of close distributions, when expected rewards differ by the magnitude of order N–1/2 for some fairly large N, is considered as it yields the highest normalized regret. Invariant descriptions are obtained for upper bounds in the strategy and for minimax regret. We perform a series of Monte Carlo simulations to find the estimations of the minimax regret for multi-armed bandits. The maximum for regret is reached for n proportional to N, as expected based on obtained descriptions.
12.1. Introduction
The multi-armed bandit (MAB) problem is a control problem in a random environment. Traditionally, it is pictured as a slot machine that has j (two or more) arms (levers). Choosing an arm at time n yields some random rewards (income) ξ(n) associated with it. The gambler (decision-making agent) begins with no initial knowledge about rewards associated with the arms.
The goal is to maximize the total expected reward.
A classic reinforcement learning problem that ...
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