Chapter 2

The Quick Tour of Power BI


Bullet Learning the ropes on Power BI Desktop

Bullet Ingesting data

Bullet Working with models

Bullet Trying out Power BI Services

Like a state fair judge evaluating a prize cake layered with many ingredients, Power BI requires that its users familiarize themselves with the features baked into the business intelligence (BI) solution. Virtually all users who interact with Power BI start with the Desktop version. Users can mold the data the way they want by following the old saying “Practice makes perfect” by way of ingestion and modeling. Whether you’re manipulating the data to make the model just right, tackling data transformation via wrangling, or trying to create beautiful visualizations, the heavy lift is desktop-based. Seldom does the Power BI participant start using online services unless the dataset was previously created for sharing and collaboration. In this chapter, you learn the key features of Power BI Desktop and Services to know precisely when and why you need to use a specific product version.

Power BI Desktop: A Top-Down View

Power BI Desktop ...

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