Chapter 4 Enterprise Data Services

Topics Covered in this Chapter

  • This chapter provides a brief overview of how an organization can publish their enterprise data through a set of standardized service interfaces to enable data sharing and interoperability across systems. It discusses overarching principles required for developing standardized and consistent data services that enable data sharing, reuse, and interoperability.
  • The various enterprise architecture (EA), enterprise information management (EIM), and service-oriented architecture (SOA) principles required to make a data service successful and relevant across the enterprise are also examined. These disciplines are mutually independent, although they often drive each other.
  • A case study is discussed that illustrates how data-driven organizations can transform their business by enabling data sharing and interoperability across teams by using standardized data service interfaces across the enterprise.
  • Finally, the foundational role of DaaS in supporting big data and analytics applications are briefly explored.

With data collection, ‘The sooner the better’ is always the best answer.

—Marissa Mayer, CEO, Yahoo

This chapter emphasizes the need for publishing common, reusable data services to distribute enterprise data to data consumers across an organization. Data sharing and reuse across an enterprise in a timely manner results in improved and effective decision making. Usage of shared data also results in improved quality ...

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