Chapter 14 Taking DaaS from Concept to Reality
Topics Covered in this Chapter
- This chapter is essential reading for anyone interested in managing DaaS projects, as it discusses a realistic approach on how an organization can go about defining, establishing, and maintaining a DaaS initiative for its specific needs.
- It explains the steps to build a DaaS performance scorecard for monitoring the level of DaaS service performance. Monitoring DaaS service performance against service-level agreements (SLAs) ensures that the DaaS program continues to provide long-term business value to its stakeholders.
- The book concludes by providing best practices with respect to data as a service (DaaS) project management and delivery. The benefits of employing AGILE methodology for new data services development as an alternative to the traditional software development life cycle is discussed.
- Adopting these best practices and guidelines will ensure that the DaaS program continues to be useful and relevant to stakeholders over the long term.
“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
—Lao Tzu
Data has always been considered by organizations as a necessary accessory to the core operations of running a business. In spite of this, for many years it was not considered an asset that could be monetized, in and of itself. However, a complete paradigm shift was witnessed with the advent of several on-demand IT services (e.g., Software as a Service). The latest popular wave of on-demand ...
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