Chapter 5People

Let's face it, people are a major component of any model when it comes to change – data is no exception. Skills, behaviour and leadership form the people‐focused elements within the model for getting the data working for you. We have said it before, and we are sure we will say it again, it is so much more powerful when your whole workforce understands what a great asset your data is, and they have all the right tools for success, than a few specialists sitting in an ivory tower.


Image depicting a man setting up a pack of cards depicting how skills, behaviour and leadership form the people-focused elements within the model.

We wanted to pick up where we left off in our first book highlighted by Eden Smith around the skills we are looking for in data teams and the evolution of what is really happening in the market. Eden Smith have done some great work with Camden Council in the UK around how we can educate the next generation of children to prepare them for the future world in data.

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