
Ability grouping, 125

Accountability policies: of case study sites, 3941; data use and, 37; data-informed decision making and, 12; goal setting related to, 7175; perverse incentives of, 37, 117118; as political leverage, 33, 40, 41, 117118; for reducing achievement gaps, 34, 56

Accountability pressures: adverse effects of, 122; for case study sites, 3941; framing data use with trust versus, 47, 4849, 56, 5759, 120121; of No Child Left Behind, 39, 40; state tests and, 3943

Achievement gaps: accountability policies for reducing, 34, 56; creating high expectations to overcome, 6062, 6465; data use for understanding and remedying, 9599, 124125

Achievement Via Individual Determination (AVID) strategies, 113

Action plans: advice ...

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