Chapter 10
The Tactical Advantage: Designing Data Driven Marketing Campaigns
In This Chapter
Learning the difference between event-triggered campaigns and mass mailings
Using information about change as a customer-retention tool
Upselling and cross-selling to your customers
Recognizing when customers move
As the old saw goes, the only constant in life is change. This is as true of your customers as it is for your business. People grow up, go to college, get married, buy their first house and car, retire, and do many things in between. With every change comes changes in their needs, preferences, and means.
Your products have a life-cycle as well. Retail consumer goods wear out or are used up and need to be replaced. Loans are paid off. Annual passes expire. These events all create opportunities for you to make new sales.
By recognizing and even anticipating changes in both your business and your customers, you can design communications and offers that are relevant to your customers’ new situations. With relevance comes revenue. In this chapter, I examine a number of ways that you ...
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