- A–B testing, 327
- A–B tests, 334
- accident data
- activation function, 287
- additive seasonality, 432
- adjusted-R2, 171, 172
- affinity analysis, 16, 345
- agglomerative, 379, 387
- agglomerative algorithm, 387
- aggregation, 77, 78, 83, 86
- AIC, 171, 264
- airfare data
- multiple linear regression, 181
- Akaike Information Criterion, 171
- algorithm, 9
- ALVINN, 284
- Amtrak data
- Amtrak ridership example, 453
- analytics, 3
- antecedent, 348
- appliance shipments data
- Apriori algorithm, 345, 349
- AR models, 437
- AR(1), 438, 439
- area under the curve, 140
- ARIMA models, 437
- artificial intelligence, 5, 9, 100
- artificial neural networks, 284
- association rules, 16, 18, 345, 346
- asymmetric cost, 27, 149, 541
- asymmetric response, 541
- attribute, 9
- AUC, 140
- Australian wine sales data
- Auto posts, 512
- autocorrelation, 423, 433, 438
- average linkage, 390, 393
- average squared errors, 165
- back propagation, 290
- backward elimination, 172, 264
- bag-of-words, 497, 501
- bagging, 243, 331
- balanced portfolios, 376
- bar chart, 65
- batch updating, 291
- bath soap data, 537
- benchmark, 127, 145
- benchmark confidence value, 351
- best subsets, 44
- betweenness in a network, 481
- bias, 36, 170, 318
- bias–variance ...
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