
We thank the many people who assisted us in improving the book from its inception as Data Mining for Business Intelligence in 2006 (using XLMiner, now Analytic Solver), through the recent editions now called Data Mining for Business Analytics, including two later XLMiner editions, a JMP edition, an R edition, and now for the first time, a Python edition.

Anthony Babinec, who has been using earlier editions of this book for years in his data mining courses at, provided us with detailed and expert corrections. Dan Toy and John Elder IV greeted our project with early enthusiasm and provided detailed and useful comments on initial drafts. Ravi Bapna, who used an early draft in a data mining course at the Indian School of Business and later at University of Minnesota, has provided invaluable comments and helpful suggestions since the book’s start.

Many of the instructors, teaching assistants, and students using earlier editions of the book have contributed invaluable feedback both directly and indirectly, through fruitful discussions, learning journeys, and interesting data mining projects that have helped shape and improve the book. These include MBA students from the University of Maryland, MIT, the Indian School of Business, National Tsing Hua University, and Instructors from many universities and teaching programs, too numerous to list, have supported and helped improve the book since its inception. Scott Nestler has been a helpful ...

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