Chapter 17

Planning for Future Data Science Project Success


check Structuring your data science project plan

check Including all the most important details

check Planning your data science project to the nth detail

Before putting the pedal to the metal with your new data science project, you must take the time to create a technical plan for all the implementation requirements involved in making this project a success. What you call this plan can vary: I’ve seen consultants call technical implementation plans lots of names — the most popular are technical plan, management plan, strategic plan, and plan of action. What you decide to name your plan is up to you, but make sure that you use your plan for its intended purpose. The purpose of your data science project planning document is to

  • Document, summarize, and consolidate the company’s data operations into one overarching, up-to-date plan
  • Double-verify the feasibility of your intended project before proceeding into the implementation phase
  • Secure the approvals needed for your project in order to proceed with the work
  • Develop realistic benchmarks for measuring the delivery and performance of the data science project you recommend

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