Chapter 2

Placing Data Science within the Realm of AI


check Understanding how data and data science relate

check Considering the progression into AI and beyond

check Developing a data pipeline to AI

Some people perceive data science as simply a method of managing data for use with an AI discipline, but you can use your data science skills for a great many tasks other than AI. You use data science skills for various types of statistical analysis that don’t rely on an AI, such as to perform analytics, manage data in various ways, and locate information that you use directly rather than as an input into anything. However, the data science to AI connection does exist as well, so you need to know about it as a data scientist, which is the focus of the first part of this chapter.

Many terms used in data science become muddled because people misuse them. When you hear the term AI, you might think about all sorts of technologies that are either distinct AI subcategories or have nothing to do with AI at all. The second part of the chapter defines AI and then clarifies its connection to machine learning, which is a subcategory of AI, and finally to deep learning, which is actually a subcategory ...

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