Chapter 2
Moving Forward with Logistic Regression
Considering the uses for logistic regression
Using logistic regression to guess classes
Using logistic regression to calculate probabilities
Employing multiclass logistic regression
Linear regression, as described in the previous chapter, has limits. It helps you find only certain kinds of equations based on you data. To move forward in your ability to analyze data, you need logistic regression because it can help you model data with greater complexity. Of course, the modeling process itself is more complex as a result. The first part of this chapter helps you understand the origins of logistic regression and consider how it differs from linear regression so that you know which kind of regression to apply to particular datasets.
The second part of this chapter considers two uses for logistic regression: guessing the class of a particular object and the probability of something like an event. You find that these two uses are actually two sides of the same coin, in a way. In some respects, it comes down to how you view ...
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