Chapter 4
Processing Text and Other Sequences
Understanding natural language processing
Considering raw text processing and use of sparse matrices
Performing scoring and classification
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is all about taking text that humans can understand as words, even if those words don’t form a sentence, and putting it in a form that computers can process in some manner to look for patterns. For example, the computer doesn’t understand “Turn on the radio,” but it can process that command into a specific pattern. Sometimes, the computer also reacts to the processed pattern to perform a task, such as turning on the radio. The processing and the action of performing the task are separate. In this chapter, you start with the basics needed to understand NLP and see how it can serve you in building better applications for language problems. For example, you discover some of the issues in processing even raw text and in storing some types of data using sparse matrices so that the data doesn’t take so much space. You also discover how to score and classify text.
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