Chapter 4

Obtaining the Correct Output Presentation


check Defining a correct output presentation

check Considering the needs of the audience

check Determining which graph type to use

check Interacting with external data

Throughout this book, you discover methods for obtaining, cleaning, and analyzing data using a wide variety of techniques. Oddly enough, data scientists spend most of their time cleaning the data (see for details). The next most common task is simply obtaining the data. Yet, all this effort doesn’t amount to anything if no one can understand the results. Other data scientists are likely to understand, but you must work with people who don’t have six degrees in math, two in computer science, and another in logic. Consequently, simply generating output that depicts the results of your efforts isn’t enough; you must generate output that speaks to the viewer, which is the first consideration in this chapter.

In some respects, you become a detective when it comes to output, because what you really ...

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