Chapter 10

Building Successful Data Science Teams


Bullet Defining the data science leadership

Bullet Understanding the team preconditions for success

Bullet Forming a team

Bullet Establishing the business purpose

Data scientist has become the most attractive role in today’s competitive job market. Entry level salaries can range into six figures, and roughly 700,000 job openings are projected by 2020. What's driving this demand? Simple — business value. The job of the data scientist is to extract insights hidden inside mountains of data — insights that can then be used to achieve diverse business goals, ranging from fraud detection to facial recognition. Acknowledging this diversity at the core of data science is the key to building efficient data science teams, which must be composed of individuals with highly specialized and complementary skill sets in order to be successful. But before you can embark on the journey to get the perfect data science team in place, you need to make sure you have the right leadership in place.

Starting with the Data Science Team Leader

When hiring a data science ...

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