3 Reviewing the basic concepts of Altair

This chapter covers

  • Vega and Vega-Lite
  • The basic components of an Altair chart
  • A relevant case study

It may, at first glance, seem counterintuitive for the topic of running a data story in Altair (chapter 2) to be covered before the basics of Altair (chapter 3). The reason is that now that you have a general understanding of how Altair works, you’re ready to see all the details. If you had read this chapter right away, you probably would have gotten bored and skipped it. Instead, now, you are ready to read it calmly. In this chapter, we will review the basic concepts underlying Vega and Vega-Lite, the visualization grammars upon which Altair is built. Then, we’ll focus on the Altair main components: ...

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