Appendix A. Useful Mathematical Facts
In this appendix, we give several useful mathematical facts. We begin with some combinatorial definitions and facts.
Logarithms and Exponents
Logarithms and Exponents
The logarithm function is defined as
The following identities hold for logarithms and exponents:
logbac = logba + logbc
logba/c = logba − logbc
logbac = clogba
logba = (logca)/logcb
babc = ba+c
ba/bc = ba−c
In addition, we have the following.
Proposition A.1: If a > 0, b > 0, and c > a + b, then
Justification: It is enough to show that ab < c2/4. We can write
The natural logarithm function lnx = logex, where e = 2.71828..., is the value of the following progression:
In addition,
There are a number of useful inequalities relating to these functions (which derive from these definitions).
Proposition A.2: If x ...
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