CHAPTER 0: Introduction to Java
0.2.2 Using javadoc Notation for Method Specifications
0.2.3 Equality of References and Equality of Objects
CHAPTER 1: Object-Oriented Concepts
1.2 Abstract Methods and Interfaces
1.2.1 Abstract Data Types and Data Structures
1.2.2 An Interface and a Class that Implements the Interface
1.2.3 Using the FullTimeEmployee Class
1.3.1 The protected Visibility Modifier
1.3.2 Inheritance and Constructors
1.3.3 The Subclass Substitution Rule
1.6 The Unified Modeling Language
Programming Project 1.1: A CalendarDate Class
CHAPTER 2: Additional Features of Programming and Java
2.1 Static Variables, Constants and Methods
2.2.1 More Details on Unit Testing
2.3.2 Unit Testing and Propagated Exceptions
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