Abstract class, 137139

versus fully defined class and interface, 139140

Abstract data type, 31

Abstract method, 29

abstract modifier, 138


data, 2728

Accessor method, 57

Activation record, 209, 334

Active method, 208

Acyclic graph, 646, 648, 667, 669, 693694

Adjacent vertices, 644

Aggregation, 51

Algorithm, 105

connectedness, 658659

divide-and-conquer, 476477

longest path, 667669

minimum spanning tree, 659663

shortest path, 663667

Algorithm analysis, 105121

Alternate implementation(s)

of the BinarySearchTree class, 449451

of the HashMap class, 626635, 640

of the LinkedList class, 294295, 323

A-maze-ing application, 195208

Ancestor, 379, 439

Application Programming Interface (API), 6


backtracking through a maze, 195208

backtracking through a network, 686689, 695697

converting from infix to postfix, 338343

creating a symbol table, 617625

high-precision arithmetic, 251257

how compilers implement recursion, 334337

Huffman encoding, 573590

line editor, 300315

simulated car wash, 351365

spell checker, 530536

thesaurus, 517525

Approval voting (project), 545547

Argument, 19

ArrayList class, 234251

fields in, 248

heading of, 246247

versus LinkedList class, 150, 282285

ArrayList objects,

serializing, 247, 701702

simple program using, 244246

Arrays class

binarySearch, 112113, 180

sort (Merge Sort), 470476

(Quick Sort), 477489

assertArrayEquals, 62, 458

assertEquals, 62

Association, 51

Attribute in Unified Modeling Language, ...

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