© Elshad Karimov 2020
E. KarimovData Structures and Algorithms in Swifthttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5769-2_6

6. Linked Lists

Elshad Karimov1 
New York, New York, USA
A linked list is a data structure that holds a group of data items which represents a sequence. Here each data item is referred to as a node. The nodes contain data and are interconnected to the next node in the sequence via their links. More complex forms of the list add additional links. The main advantage of a linked list is quick insertion and deletion. The linked list is a linear data structure like arrays, but unlike arrays, elements are not stored in a contiguous location. Like arrays, a linked list is a linear data structure (Figure 6-1).
Figure 6-1

Linear data structure ...

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