Note: Italicized page locators indicate figures.
3n + 1 problem, see Collatz problem,
187, 347
O(·), 119
Ω(·) (Knuth), 144, 349
Ω(·) (traditional), 143, 349
Θ(·), 132, 349
o(·), 130
Absolute value, distributing, triangle
equality and, 127
Abstract classes, 8, 53–54
AbstractSequentialList, 99, 100
Accessor methods, 22
grouping, 24
for Record array, 41
Ackermann function, 189, 192, 199
defined, 348
formulas defining, 190
Addend, 296
add method, 70, 71
for ArrayList,79
Adjacency matrix (matrices), 334
advantages/disadvantages with,
defined, 348
for directed graph, 314
graphs and, 313, 314–316
for undirected graph, 315
Adjacent nodes
defined, 348 ...

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