account numbers as intelligent keys, 301–303, 309–314
accounting, 297–298. See also budget and spending data mart; financial reporting data warehouse.
financial method, 291, 293–297
LIFO and FIFO methods of, 161, 163–164, 322
managerial method, 291–292, 293–297
as business term, 298
as slow-changing dimension, 309–314
accrual process, 264
acquisition costs, customer, 341, 351–355
active listening techniques, 495–499
activity-based costing methods, 132, 134
activity production reports, 59, 158
running totals of, 436
summarizing for reports, 424
and user interface of report tool, 457
administrative costs. See SAG costs.
aggregate tables, 22–24, 431–433
agricultural production process, 144
allocating costs in reports, 320, 322–324
anonymous transactions, 129, 130, 407–409
appliance manufacturer quality control schema, 220–235
component part quality, 221–224, 225, 226
production process quality, 224, 227–229, 230, 231
repair incident frequencies, 229, 232–235
warranty fulfillment tracking, 135, 136–141
appropriation dimension, 286
assets on balance sheets, 299
AT&T, use of financial measures by, 386–389
attributes in dimension tables, 10, 26
automobile manufacturers income statement schema, 314–319
average period revenue measures, 395
computing for reports, 444–446, 459, 460
SQL query problems, 196
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