
Activity diagrams, 4650
control flow icons, 46, 47
database design and, 50
decisions, 46, 47
defined, 34, 46
example, 49
flows, 46, 47
forks, 4748
joins, 47, 48
nodes, 46, 47
notation description, 4648
for workflow, 4850
See also UML diagrams
Aggregate functions, 22224
Aggregation, 25
composition vs., 41
defined, 25
ER model, 101
illustrated, 25
UML constructs, 41
UML model, 102
AllFusion ERwin Data Modeler, 18889
advantages, 211
DBMS selection, 199
ER modeling, 194
modeling support, 209
one-to-many relationships, 195
schema generation, 198
See also CASE tools
Armstrong axioms, 12224
Association rules, 179
Associations, 3739
binary, 3839
many-to-many, 39
many-to-many-to-many, 100
one-to-many, 39
one-to-many-to-many, 99
one-to-one, ...

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