Database Systems: Concepts, Design and Applications

Book description


Table of contents

  1. Copyright
  2. Foreword
  3. Preface
  4. Database Concepts
    1. Introduction to Database Systems
      1. Introduction
      2. Basic Concepts and Definitions
      3. Data Dictionary
      4. Database
      5. Database System
      6. Data Administrator (DA)
      7. Database Administrator (DBA)
      8. File-Oriented System versus Database System
      9. Historical Perspective of Database Systems
      10. Database Language
      11. Transaction Management
      12. Review Questions
      13. State True/False
      14. Tick (✓) the Appropriate Answer
      15. Fill in the Blanks
    2. Database System Architecture
      1. Introduction
      2. Schemas, Subschema and Instances
      3. Three-level ANSI-SPARC Data Base Architecture
      4. Data Independence
      5. Mappings
      6. Structure, Components, and Functions of DBMS
      7. Data Models
      8. Types of Database Systems
      9. Review Questions
      10. State True/False
      11. Tick (✓) the Appropriate Answer
      12. Fill in the Blanks
    3. Physical Data Organisation
      1. Introduction
      2. Physical Storage Media
      3. RAID Technology
      4. Basic Concept of Files
      5. File Organisation
      6. Indexing
      7. Review Questions
      8. State True/False
      9. Tick (✓) the Appropriate Answer
      10. Fill in the Blanks
  5. Relational Model
    1. Relational Algebra and Calculus
      1. Introduction
      2. Historical Perspective of Relational Model
      3. Structure of Relational Database
      4. Relational Algebra
      5. Relational Calculus
      6. Review Questions
      7. State True/False
      8. Tick (✓) the Appropriate Answer
      9. Fill in the Blanks
    2. Relational Query Languages
      1. Introduction
      2. Codd’s Rules
      3. Information System Based Language (ISBL)
      4. Query Language (QUEL)
      5. Structures Query Language (SQL)
      6. Embedded Structured Query Language (SQL)
      7. Query-By-Example (QBE)
      8. Review Questions
      9. State True/False
      10. Tick (✓) the Appropriate Answer
      11. Fill in the Blanks
    3. Entity Relationship (E-R) Model
      1. Introduction
      2. Basic E-R Concepts
      3. Conversion of E-R Model into Relations
      4. Problems with E-R Models
      5. E-R Diagram Symbols
      6. Review Questions
      7. State True/False
      8. Tick (✓) the Appropriate Answer
      9. Fill in the Blanks
    4. Enchanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Model
      1. Introduction
      2. Superclass and Subclass Entity Types
      3. Specialisation and Generalisation
      4. Categorisation
      5. Example of EER Diagram
      6. Review Questions
      7. State True/False
      8. Tick (✓) the Appropriate Answer
      9. Fill in the Blanks
  6. Database Design
    1. Introduction to Database Design
      1. Introduction
      2. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
      3. Database Development Life Cycle
      4. Automated Design Tools
      5. Review Questions
      6. State True/False
      7. Tick (✓) the Appropriate Answer
      8. Fill in the Blanks
    2. Functional Dependency and Decomposition
      1. Introduction
      2. Functional Dependency (FD)
      3. Decomposition
      4. Review Questions
      5. State True/False
      6. Tick (✓) the Appropriate Answer
      7. Fill in the Blanks
    3. Normalization
      1. Introduction
      2. Normalization
      3. Normal Forms
      4. Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF)
      5. Multi-valued Dependencies (MVD) and Fourth Normal Form (4NF)
      6. Join Dependencies and Fifth Normal Form (5NF)
      7. Review Questions
      8. State True/False
      9. Tick (✓) the Appropriate Answer
      10. Fill in the Blanks
  7. Query, Transaction and Security Management
    1. Query Processing and Optimization
      1. Introduction
      2. Query Processing
      3. Syntax Analyser
      4. Query Decomposition
      5. Query Optimization
      6. Cost Estimation in Query Optimization
      7. Pipelining and Materialization
      8. Structure of Query Evaluation Plans
      9. Review Questions
      10. State True/False
      11. Tick (✓) the Appropriate Answer
      12. Fill in the Blanks
    2. Transaction Processing and Concurrency Control
      1. Introduction
      2. Transaction Concepts
      3. Concurrency Control
      4. Locking Methods for Concurrency Control
      5. Timestamp Methods for Concurrency Control
      6. Optimistic Methods for Concurrency Control
      7. Review Questions
      8. State True/False
      9. Tick (✓) the Appropriate Answer
      10. Fill in the Blanks
    3. Database Recovery System
      1. Introduction
      2. Database Recovery Concepts
      3. Types of Database Failures
      4. Types of Database Recovery
      5. Recovery Techniques
      6. Buffer Management
      7. Review Questions
      8. State True/False
      9. Tick (✓) the Appropriate Answer
      10. Fill in the Blanks
    4. Database Security
      1. Introduction
      2. Goals of Database Security
      3. Discretionary Access Control
      4. Mandatory Access Control
      5. Firewalls
      6. Statistical Database Security
      7. Data Encryption
      8. Review Questions
      9. State True/False
      10. Tick (✓) the Appropriate Answer
      11. Fill in the Blanks
  8. Object-Based Databases
    1. Object-Oriented Databases
      1. Introduction
      2. Object-Oriented Data Model (OODM)
      3. Concept of Object-Oriented Database (OODB)
      4. Object-Oriented DBMS (OODBMS)
      5. Object Data Management Group (ODMG) and Object-Oriented Languages
      6. Review Questions
      7. State True/False
      8. Tick (✓) the Appropriate Answer
      9. Fill in the Blanks
    2. Object-Relational Database
      1. Introduction
      2. History of Object-relational DBMS (ORDBMS)
      3. ORDBMS Query Language (SQL3)
      4. ORDBMS Design
      5. Review Questions
      6. State True/False
      7. Tick (✓) the Appropriate Answer
      8. Fill in the Blanks
  9. Advance and Emerging Database Concepts
    1. Parallel Database Systems
      1. Introduction
      2. Parallel Databases
      3. Architecture of Parallel Databases
      4. Key Elements of Parallel Database Processing
      5. Query Parallelism
      6. Review Questions
      7. State True/False
      8. Tick (✓) the Appropriate Answer
      9. Fill in the Blanks
    2. Distributed Database Systems
      1. Introduction
      2. Distributed Databases
      3. Architecture of Distributed Databases
      4. Distributed Database System (DDBS) Design
      5. Distributed Query Processing
      6. Concurrency Control in Distributed Databases
      7. Recovery Control in Distributed Databases
      8. Review Questions
      9. State True/False
      10. Tick (✓) the Appropriate Answer
      11. Fill in the Blanks
    3. Decision Support Systems (DSS)
      1. Introduction
      2. History of Decision Support System (DSS)
      3. Definition of Decision Support System
      4. Operational Data versus DSS Data
      5. Review Questions
      6. State True/False
      7. Tick (✓) the Appropriate Answer
      8. Fill in the Blanks
    4. Data Warehousing and Data Mining
      1. Introduction
      2. Data Warehousing
      3. Data Warehouse Architecture
      4. Data Mining
      5. Review Questions
      6. State True/False
      7. Tick (✓) the Appropriate Answer
      8. Fill in the Blanks
    5. Emerging Database Technologies
      1. Introduction
      2. Internet Databses
      3. Digital Libraries
      4. Multimedia Databases
      5. Mobile Databases
      6. Spatial Databases
      7. Clustering-based Disaster-proof Databases
      8. Review Questions
      9. State True/False
      10. Tick (✓) the Appropriate Answer
      11. Fill in the Blanks
  10. Case Studies
    1. Database Design: Case Studies
      1. Introduction
      2. Database Design for Retail Banking
      3. Database Design for an Ancillary Manufacturing System
      4. Database Design for an Anual Rate Contract System
      5. Database Design of Technical Training Institute
      6. Database Design of an Internet Bookshop
      7. Database Design for Customer Order Warehouse
      8. Review Questions
  11. Commercial Databases
    1. IDM DB2 Universal Database
      1. Introduction
      2. DB2 Products
      3. DB2 Universal Database (UDB)
      4. Installation Prerequisite for DB2 Universal Database Server
      5. Installation Prerequisite for DB2 Clients
      6. Installation and Configuration of DB2 Universal Database Server
      7. Review Questions
      8. State True/False
      9. Tick (✓) the Appropriate Answer
      10. Fill in the Blanks
    2. Oracle
      1. Introduction
      2. History of Oracle
      3. Oracle Features
      4. SQL*Plus
      5. Oracle’s Data Dictionary
      6. Oracle System Architecture
      7. Installation of Oracle 9i
      8. Review Questions
      9. State True/False
      10. Tick (✓) the Appropriate Answer
      11. Fill in the Blanks
    3. Microsoft SQL Server
      1. Introduction
      2. Microsoft SQL Server Setup
      3. Stored Procedures in SQL Server
      4. Installing Microsoft SQL Server 2000
      5. Database Operation with Microsoft SQL Server
      6. Review Questions
      7. State True/False
      8. Tick (✓) the Appropriate Answer
      9. Fill in the Blanks
    4. Microsoft Access
      1. Introduction
      2. An Access Database
      3. Database Operation in Microsoft Access
      4. Features of Microsoft Access
      5. Review Questions
      6. State True/False
      7. Tick (✓) the Appropriate Answer
      8. Fill in the Blanks
    5. MySQL
      1. Introduction
      2. An Overview of MySQL
      3. PHP–An Introduction
      4. MySQL Database
      5. Installing MySQL on Windows
      6. Review Questions
      7. State True/False
      8. Tick (✓) the Appropriate Answer
      9. Fill in the Blanks
  12. Answers
    1. Chapter 1 Introduction of Database System
    2. Chapter 2 Database System Architecture
    3. Chapter 3 Physical Data Organization
    4. Chapter 4 The Relational Model
    5. Chapter 5 Relational Query Languages
    6. Chapter 6 Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
    7. Chapter 7 Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Model
    8. Chapter 8 Introduction to Database Design
    9. Chapter 9 Functional Dependency and Decomposition
    10. Chapter 10 Normalization
    11. Chapter 11 Query Processing and Optimization
    12. Chapter 12 Transaction Processing and Concurrency Control
    13. Chapter 13 Database Recovery Systems
    14. Chapter 14 Database Security
    15. Chapter 15 Object-Oriented Database
    16. Chapter 16 Object-Relational Database
    17. Chapter 17 Parallel Database Systems
    18. Chapter 18 Distribution Database Systems
    19. Chapter 19 Dicision Support System (DSS)
    20. Chapter 20 Data Warehousing and Data Mining
    21. Chapter 21 Emerging Database Technologies
    22. Chapter 23 IBM DB2 Universal Database
    23. Chapter 24 Oracle
    24. Chapter 25 Microsoft Sql Server
    25. Chapter 26 Microsoft Access
    26. Chapter 27 Mysql
  13. Bibliography
  14. Index

Product information

  • Title: Database Systems: Concepts, Design and Applications
  • Author(s):
  • Release date:
  • Publisher(s): Pearson India
  • ISBN: None