72 DB2 UDB for Linux on iSeries: Implementation Guide
Example 3-3 Embedded SQL code translated by the precompiler
EXEC SQL CONNECT TO :dbname USER :user USING :password;
sqlastrt(sqla_program_id, &sqla_rtinfo, &sqlca);
struct sqla_setdata_list sql_setdlist[3];
sql_setdlist[0].sqltype = 460; sql_setdlist[0].sqllen = 10;
sql_setdlist[0].sqldata = (void*)dbname;
sql_setdlist[0].sqlind = 0L;
sql_setdlist[1].sqltype = 460; sql_setdlist[1].sqllen = 10;
sql_setdlist[1].sqldata = (void*)user;
sql_setdlist[1].sqlind = 0L;
sql_setdlist[2].sqltype = 460; sql_setdlist[2].sqllen = 10;
sql_setdlist[2].sqldata = (void*)password;
sql_setdlist[2].sqlind = 0L;
sqlacall((unsigned short)29,5,2,0,0L);
if (sqlca.sqlcode < 0)
goto error;
3.7.2 Compile and run
Figure 3-30 shows the procedure to make a program use embedded SQL.
Embedded SQL programs need to be precompiled by a DB2 tool (db2 prep
command) before compiled by a C compiler. The extension of an embedded SQL
program is .sqc. The precompiler first analyzes the .sqc file and converts the
EXEC SQL statements, which shows the line is the DB2 embedded SQL command
to the related C source codes, which includes DB2 internal APIs. The
precompiler makes a C source file in which the extension is .c. We have to
compile the .c file using a C compiler to make the application. At the precompile
time, the precompiler checks the SQL statement with actually connecting the
database and creates some objects called SQL package or bind file. The SQL
package is an object stored in the database which has all the information needed
to execute the SQL statements of the program. The SQL package is created and
stored in the database at the precompilation time. Instead, you can create the
bind file as a local file. Using the bind file, you can delay the creation of the SQL
package until the file is
bound to a database by using the db2 bind command.
Chapter 3. Connectivity with DB2 UDB for iSeries 73
Figure 3-30 Embedded SQL program compiling process
We create the SQL package directly in this scenario and do not use bind file.
To precompile the testESQL.sqc, the DB2 CLP and db2 prep command is used.
Since the connection to the database is necessary when precompiling the
program, you have to connect to the OS400 database first. Then we can
precompile. Figure 3-31 shows this.
Source file
DB2 database
bind file
source file
C compiler
db2 prep
db2 bind
(DB access)
74 DB2 UDB for Linux on iSeries: Implementation Guide
Figure 3-31 Precompile the embedded SQL program
The parameter collection SAMPLEDB01 specifies the schema (OS/400 library) in
which the SQL package is created. If the collection parameter is not specified,
the default schema of the user (DBDEMO) is assumed.
The precompiler creates the file testESQL.c. We, then compile the file using the
gcc compiler to create the final product of the process. The compile parameters
are the same as for the CLI program. Figure 3-32 shows the compile and run
Figure 3-32 Compile and run the embedded SQL program
db2inst1@linux02:~/redbook> db2 connect to OS400 user DBDEMO using PASSWORD
Database Connection Information
Database server = OS/400 5.2.0
SQL authorization ID = DBDEMO
Local database alias = OS400
db2inst1@linux02:~/redbook> db2 prep testESQL.sqc collection SAMPLEDB01
------ --------------------------------------------------------------------
SQL0060W The "C" precompiler is in progress.
SQL0091W Precompilation or binding was ended with "0"
errors and "0" warnings.
db2inst1@linux02:~/redbook>db2 terminate
DB20000I The TERMINATE command completed successfully.
db2inst1@linux02:~/redbook> gcc -o testESQL -I/home/db2inst1/sqllib/include
-L/home/db2inst1/sqllib/lib -ldb2 ./testESQL.c
db2inst1@linux02:~/redbook> ./testESQL OS400 DBDEMO PASSWORD
Embedded SQL sample
290 Quill 84 Mgr 10 19818
300 Davis 84 Sales 5 15454
310 Graham 66 Sales 13 21000
320 Gonzales 66 Sales 4 16858
330 Burke 66 Clerk 1 10988
340 Edwards 84 Sales 7 17844
350 Gafney 84 Clerk 5 13030
Got to end

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