88 DB2 UDB for Linux on iSeries: Implementation Guide
3.8.5 Sample JDBC program
This section introduces a sample program of JDBC. Example 3-7 shows the
various JDBC access methods including type 2 and type 4.
Example 3-7 Various JDBC access to OS/400 and Linux DB2
TestJDBC.java a simple sample program of JDBC drivers provided by DB2 which
access Linux or OS/400 DB2
Parameters :
driver type (DB2 JDBC driver type. "Type2" or "Type4")
Connection ("OS400" means to connect to OS/400 via Type4.
"Linux" means to access the local Linux database.
"OS4002" means to access OS/400 using the universal
driver as Type2.
"Linux2" means to access the Local Linux database
using the universal driver as Type2.)
schema (The schema (OS/400 library) name)
user (OS/400 or DB2 instance user name.)
password (The password.)
Example : java TestJDBC Type4 OS400 SAMPLEDB01 DBDEMO password
import java.io.*;
import java.sql.*;
public class TestJDBC
public static void main(String argv[])
// JDBC driver selection
Class.forName("COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver"); // Type 2 driver
System.out.println("Type 2 JDBC driver selected.");
Class.forName("com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver"); // Type 4/2
universal driver
System.out.println("Type 4/2 universal JDBC driver selected.");
// Connection type and database selection
Chapter 3. Connectivity with DB2 UDB for iSeries 89
String url = null;
/*--- Type 2 driver ---*/
if(argv[0].equals("Type2")) {
// Type 2 to local Linux
if(argv[1].equals("Linux")) url = "jdbc:db2:SAMPLE"; 1
// Type 2 to OS/400 via DB2 Connect
if(argv[1].equals("OS400")) url = "jdbc:db2:OS400"; 2
/*--- Type 4 driver ---*/
if(argv[0].equals("Type4")) {
// Type 4 direct to local
if(argv[1].equals("Linux")) url = "jdbc:db2://localhost:50001/SAMPLE";
// Type 4 direct to OS/400
if(argv[1].equals("OS400")) url = "jdbc:db2://"; 4
// Use Type 4 driver as type 2 to access local
if(argv[1].equals("Linux2")) url= "jdbc:db2:SAMPLE"; 5
// Use Type 4 driver as type 2 to access OS/400
if(argv[1].equals("OS4002"))url = "jdbc:db2:OS400"; 6
System.out.println("The URL string is : " + url);
// Access the table
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, argv[3], argv[4]);
System.out.println("Database connected.");
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
String sql = "SELECT ID, NAME, DEPT, JOB, YEARS, SALARY FROM " + argv[2]
+ ".STAFF WHERE ID > 280";
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
String id = rs.getString("ID");
String name = rs.getString("NAME");
String dept = rs.getString("DEPT");
String job = rs.getString("JOB");
String years = rs.getString("YEARS");
90 DB2 UDB for Linux on iSeries: Implementation Guide
String salary = rs.getString("SALARY");
System.out.println(id + "\t" + name + "\t" + dept + "\t" + job + "\t" +
years + "\t" + salary);
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("Exception : " + e);
Type 2 driver
The JDBC driver is COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver. The URL is
jdbc:db2:(DBalias), where the DBalias is the alias of the database, which is
cataloged in the database directory of the instance. In the Example 3-7, the URL
is as follows:
// Type 2 to local Linux
if(argv[1].equals("Linux")) url = "jdbc:db2:SAMPLE"; 1
// Type 2 to OS/400 via DB2 Connect
if(argv[1].equals("OS400")) url = "jdbc:db2:OS400"; 2
“SAMPLE” and “OS400” are the aliases of the Linux and OS/400 database,
respectively. In the latter case, DB2 UDB for iSeries is accessed via the DB2
Connect facility.
Type 4 driver
The JDBC driver is com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver. The URL is jdbc:db2:(Host
name or IP address):(DRDA port)/DBalias).
Type 4 driver connects to the
database directly. The URL includes the hostname or IP address of the server
where the actual DB2 instance resides and the port number of the DRDA service
is working. DBalias is the database alias (Linux) or the relational database name
(OS/400) of the DB2. In our case, the URL is as follows.
// Type 4 direct to local
if(argv[1].equals("Linux")) url = "jdbc:db2://localhost:50001/SAMPLE"; 3
// Type 4 direct to OS/400
if(argv[1].equals("OS400")) url = "jdbc:db2://"; 4
For the Linux DB2, the database is in the same Linux server (localhost) on which
the program runs. The DRDA port number of the DB2 UDB for LUW is unique to
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