180 DB2 Integrated Cluster Environment Deployment Guide
Figure 4-23 Configuration results
4.4.2 Tuning your DB2 by using the autoconfigure command
You can also use the autoconfigure command to tune your DB2 system. The
command syntax is:
| .----------------------------. |
| V | |
>--APPLY--+-DB ONLY----+---------------------------------------><
Table 4-12 on page 181 shows autoconfigure options. We use the autoconfigure
command to configure our DB2 system with the same option we use in
Configuration Advisor GUI tool, Example 4-3 shows the command.
Example 4-3 autoconfigure example
Chapter 4. Implementation 181
AUTOCONFIGURE USING mem_percent 80 workload_type complex num_stmts 10 tpm 20
admin_priority both num_local_apps 5 num_remote_apps 50 isolation CS APPLY DB
Table 4-12 Autoconfigure options
Keyword Valid value Default value Description
mem_percent 1–100 25 Percentage of memory to
dedicate. If other
applications (other than
the operating system)
are running on this
server, set this to less
than 100.
workload_type Simple, mixed,
Mixed Simple workloads tend to
be I/O intensive and
mostly transactions,
whereas complex
workloads tend to be
CPU intensive and
mostly queries.
num_stmts 1–1,000,000 10 Number of statements
per unit of work.
tpm 1–200,000 60 Transactions per minute.
admin_priority Performance,
recovery, both
Both Optimize for better
performance (more
transactions per minute)
or better recovery time.
is_populated Yes, no Yes Is the database
populated with data?
num_local_apps 0–5,000 0 Number of connected
local applications.
num_remote_apps 0–5,000 10 Number of connected
remote applications.
isolation RR, RS, CS, UR RR Isolation level of
applications connecting
to this database
(Repeatable Read, Read
Stability, Cursor Stability,
Uncommitted Read).

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