155G Embedded Decentralized Systems for Secure and Efficient Data Sharing

Asjad Suhail Akhtar, Garima Srivastava*, Shikha Singh and Sachin Kumar

Amity University Lucknow Campus, Lucknow, India


The emergence of decentralized systems, powered by blockchain applications and networks and other distributed system technologies, is revolutionizing the way we store, manage, manipulate, and share. However, the growth and scalability of these systems have been faced by challenges related to speed, connectivity, and security threats. The advent of 5G technology promises to solve these challenges by enabling faster and more efficient speed for data transmission, improving connectivity and reliability, and enhancing security encryption and privacy threats. This chapter will provide an overview of 5G technology in decentralized systems, covering topics such as overview of decentralized systems, 5G technology, 5G for decentralized systems, use cases, and applications. Studies done address potential challenges and opportunities that arise with interoperability of the technologies. Further work also includes security and privacy considerations that arise, and regulatory issues related to government.

Keywords: 5G architecture, network slicing, distributed databases, blockchain technology, peer-to-peer networks, internet of things (IoT), edge computing

15.1 Overview of Decentralized Systems

A decentralized system is a type of network architecture that distributes control among many ...

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