Source code for emotion classifier

In the following code, we have quoted the source code of the implemented emotion classifier:

import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import os, sys, inspect from datetime import datetime import EmotionDetectorUtils  FLAGS = tf.flags.FLAGS tf.flags.DEFINE_string("data_dir", "EmotionDetector/", "Path to data files") tf.flags.DEFINE_string("logs_dir", "logs/EmotionDetector_logs/", "Path to where log files are to be saved") tf.flags.DEFINE_string("mode", "train", "mode: train (Default)/ test")  BATCH_SIZE = 128 LEARNING_RATE = 1e-3 MAX_ITERATIONS = 1001 REGULARIZATION = 1e-2 IMAGE_SIZE = 48 NUM_LABELS = 7 VALIDATION_PERCENT = 0.1  def add_to_regularization_loss(W, b):  tf.add_to_collection("losses", tf.nn.l2_loss(W)) ...

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